Saturday, August 25, 2012

Planet Spray Paint Demo (First Attempt)

Art is not restricted by only using standard mediums.  I have always been fascinated with graffiti and how the artist connects with their viewers.  And no, I'm not planning on starting to tag old buildings and walls.  So I started to experiment with spray paint on canvas.  Follow my steps below.

I used three different circular shapes to create two planets and a moon.  Above, I used a Gatorade lid, a jar lid, and an old iMac aluminum case bottom.  I quickly sprayed the canvas with black to layup the design.

Here is the layout after removing the lids.

Next, I use various colors of spray paint.  I used magazine pages to create texture within the circle by laying them down and peeling off excess paint.  At this point in time, you can paint outside the lines.  I'll get a crisp mask line when I cover the circles with the lids.

I have covered the completed planets and am working on the background effect.

The finished piece!