Saturday, August 25, 2012

Planet Spray Paint Demo (First Attempt)

Art is not restricted by only using standard mediums.  I have always been fascinated with graffiti and how the artist connects with their viewers.  And no, I'm not planning on starting to tag old buildings and walls.  So I started to experiment with spray paint on canvas.  Follow my steps below.

I used three different circular shapes to create two planets and a moon.  Above, I used a Gatorade lid, a jar lid, and an old iMac aluminum case bottom.  I quickly sprayed the canvas with black to layup the design.

Here is the layout after removing the lids.

Next, I use various colors of spray paint.  I used magazine pages to create texture within the circle by laying them down and peeling off excess paint.  At this point in time, you can paint outside the lines.  I'll get a crisp mask line when I cover the circles with the lids.

I have covered the completed planets and am working on the background effect.

The finished piece!

Back to School Bulletin Board

Here is start to finish of the bulletin board outside my classroom.  I saw this theme on another art teacher blog site.  The paper I used was rolled white craft paper.  Spray paint was used to paint the background, earth and the moon.  I recently have been experimenting with spray paint.  So far so good!

The blank board.

Outlined planet and moon shapes.

Adding color.

Taking shape.

Art is up.

Stapled on stencil letters.  "The Earth without Art is, "EH."

QR Codes in the Art Room

We have all seen QR Codes (Quick Response Codes).  This is something I'm applying to my class this year.  These matrix barcodes can be scanned with any "Smart Phone."  The phone reads the code and takes the user to the assigned web site.

QR Codes can be generated free.  Goto to customize your own matrix barcodes.  Print them out, add to your web site, or email the codes.  You'll need a QR Code reader app on your "Smart Phone," which can be downloaded free of charge.

How have I utilized QR Codes in my art classroom?  Below I made two different bar codes and displayed it next to a poster by Andy Warhol.  If a student scans the first code, it will take them directly to a web site containing a biography on Andy Warhol.  The next code is an article from ABC News about a recent selling of an Elvis print by Warhol going for millions of dollars.

I posted a QR Code on my door.  I do not plan of telling the students what it is for.  I want to see how long it takes them to figure it out and where it takes them.  I'll fill you in though.  The code will take the scanner to my school web site.  Here students can view class syllabus, view pictures and other links, or check project assignment dates.

I want to allow students to benefit from technology, while being capable of staying on task.  This feature would be better suited for a mature high school art class, rather than the junior high level.  I will keep you posted on my venture!

Apple iMac Custom Light Box

In Pennsylvania, public education has lost a tremendous amount of funding in recent years.  My art budget has been diminished compared to the past.  Our new district motto is trying to do more, with less.

I recently priced light boxes to buy for my classroom which range from $200 to $400.  I decided to get crafty.  I bought an old, non-working iMac G4 "shell" off of eBay ($15).  I gutted the inside and cleaned it up.  Next, I purchased a small 12" florescent light ($10) and custom mounted it inside the computer shell.  The switch for the light was put in the back out of sight by drilling a hole and glueing it in place.  The iMac's cord was reused and attached to the florescent light inside the computer.

Now, my classroom has a pretty "trendy" light box to assist students with drawing projects this year.  Check out my pictures below.  Questions on how to make your own, email me at

Back to School (2012-2013)

Welcome to my blog!  I am an art teacher at North Clarion High School in Western Pennsylvania.  My goal this year is to apply technology to my curriculum, to enhance student learning.

Below is a picture of my classroom before any decorating has been done.  Stay tuned while I update the room.

Thank you for stopping by!